Brydie Pargin
Architectural Technology BSc(Hons)
This research was undertaken
to discover possible solutions to
expanding the lifetime of a residential
housing unit and extend the time
of suitability for the homeowner or
occupier starting from new build.
New build design is considered as
any residential build designed and
built in the accordance with the most
recent Building Regulations (2010
with 2015 and 2016 ammendments).
Research has been undertaken from
a variety of sources to give the most
advantage insight: a literature review
discussing the current Building
Regulations in regards to accessibility
(Approved Document M), precedent
studies which discuss projects already
undertaken and methods used to
fulfil a purpose and discussing the
advantages/disadvantages, a survey
of the general public who have lived
in a new build within the last 5 years
and discussing their opinions and
thoughts in regard to accessibility. The
research produced a housing unit that
revolves around a modular core that
creates an adaptable dwelling that
can 'grow' with the occupant whilst
accommodating any disabilities.