Elevate is a social project, where a conscious awareness of the needs and requirements of the target audience was always taken into consideration. That main aim of Elevate is to raise self-efficacy within individuals, whilst having a positive influence on their lives. Elevate not only focuses on individual achievements but connecting communities together. Breaking down barriers, creating spaces fostering value and celebrating individuals. This was achieved through utilising the building floors, assigning different aims to them such as; Attain - individuals taking autonomy of their knowledge, Showcase - raising confidence by providing a platform and Pause - a café fostering community cohesion, allowing various environments to be created.
Elevate came to life during the visualisation process, specifically when creating the 3D model. Months of hard work and development came together, like a puzzle, creating a rewarding ending. As a designer my strength not only lies in technical knowledge but also my approach to new challenges and problems. I consciously try to change my perspective and not box myself into what I know. I look forward in growing as a designer in the professional world and excited to be a part of the ever-growing design community and to make an impact.