Georgia Brook

Interior Design BA(Hons)

Baby Savvy

Brief: Create a family friendly retail space to help parents gather baby safety information whilst providing breakout areas to create a more relaxed environment.

The on-line baby safety market is huge, with rising needs around baby safety and awarenss of infant protection, parents are keen to have the best but, struggle with items such as; car seats and other items that need fitting and actual physical evaluation before purchasing. Baby Savvy gives consumers the opportunity to try before they buy for these high-value and essential items.

From my placement year and further from my final year I found my love for creating CGI's. Cinema 4D was a software I learned whilst on placement which I continued using for my final year to create my visuals. I also self taught myself Arnold Renderer which allowed me to add in more realistic lighting to my scenes to enhance light and shadow.




(PDF – 3.46 MB)