My final year project was The Changing, a Jacobean tragedy first performed in 1622. I chose this text because I have always had an interest in the 16th and 17th Century, and the clothes people wore during this time. I chose to set the production in the time period the play was written and also the original production mode of theatre. My intention with this project was to create costumes which are fitting with the era but with modern elements. The characters I made for in final year were Beatrice and Alsemero. Construction is my favourite module and I enjoyed experimenting and trialling different techniques when making my costumes. My second-year costume was Dr Seward from Dracula. I wanted to explore menswear and create a suit which had both traditional and experimental features. For me, having fabric I designed myself is important as it makes the costume more personal and links to my character analysis and what I wished to express about the character through their costume. The main fabrics for all of my costumes have been digitally printed. This is not only effective but also aligns with my wish to be more sustainable in my practice.