Georgia Hallas
Fashion Design with Marketing and Production BA(Hons)
The inspiration behind my menswear collection started on a trip to Australia, where I visited Bondi Beach and the Bondi Wall. The colours were bright, the artwork was bold, and there were a lot of hidden messages within the art. NO DAYS OFF was a wall-art that particularly stood out to me due to the pastel colours - and it was painted perfectly. I contacted the artist behind the piece, Nathan Pickering, through social media, and asked how he would feel about me using his print for my collection; he was very enthusiastic and told me to go ahead, offering to design me a logo and any other designs I needed! Capturing this wall art through lots of pictures, it became the catalyst for my research, and, ultimately, my collection's brand identity. I was also taken in by the 'vibe' in Australia, and have conveyed this youthful, confident, yet laid-back energy in a collection that is highly commercial with emphasis on functionality. However, the fresh pastel tones and directional material combinations move it forward from typical casual menswear. My intention is to take key pieces from this collection forward into my own micro-brand.