The following visuals are a selection of proposed promotional pieces created to communicate the sustainable values of my three chosen brands; Maggie Marilyn, H&M and Louis Vuitton. Each brand has an existing sustainable promise of which I gained an understanding of and visualised through a range of outlets such as an advert, advertorial and social media. Each piece was illustrated digitally using considered layout, mark making and colour schemes to best represent the values in question; more specifically this involved using earthy, organic tones to reflect the environmental qualities of each brands’ sustainable concerns. I also incorporated slogans and play- on words as an engaging factor to emphasise the message and engage the viewer further. The purpose behind this body of work was to promote each brands sustainable values to an audience with an ever- growing concern for sustainability, leading to an increased demand for these needs to be met from the companies with the most influence on todays society, hence the selection of the three brands covering the main aspects of the fashion industry; a small, independent brand, a high street store and a luxury company.