My time studying International Fashion Buying Management at the University of Huddersfield has allowed me to develop my knowledge of the fashion industry as well as grow as a person. I am extremely hard-working and resilient, and I have shown this through balancing a part-time job while studying at university. By doing so I have been able to improve my time management skills and I can effectively manage my workloads to ensure deadlines are met. I am an ambitious person, and I am always striving to better myself both personally and professionally. I believe the course has equipped me with the copious amounts of skills needed to succeed in the industry, ranging from Adobe software skills to communication skills. My final major project explores a collaboration between the online retailer ASOS and the sustainability agency Eco-Age. This project explores the development of a sustainable fashion collection with social responsibility and sustainability at the forefront. I feel confident that I am ready for the world of fashion, and I am eager to continue learning about the ever-evolving industry. *Please note all brands used within my work are part of university projects and are in no way linked to the existing companies