Sarah Alexander
Master's in Art and Design Showcase
I specialise in Textiles Arts and Craft with embroidery. My skills are mostly in 2D design, with digital design, patchwork, and hand embroidery techniques.
Throughout my Masters I have been focused on creating textiles arts & crafts for people with dementia. During my final major project, I will be working with people with dementia to develop a product that will have a positive impact on their wellbeing.
During the project I held workshops with people with mid-stage dementia, where I tested the product ideas that I had, and used the responses to improve on the product for the next workshops. Most of the workshops were with my nan, and I recorded these and edited them into a video for my portfolio. The product that the participants responded to best was a fuzzy felt style collage of participants’ old photographs and shapes decorated with different embroidery techniques.